End of Life Contract Secured
Published: 16/09/2020
We have been awarded this contract due to our outstanding reputation in supporting people across both South Tyneside and Newcastle in End of Life and Palliative care.
Bluebird Care South Tyneside secure end of life contract
We are extremely happy to be sharing some great news!
Bluebird Care South Tyneside have been awarded the complex End of Life contract in South Tyneside for an initial 5 years. This has been 12 months in the making and is complete testament to the outstanding work all of our staff do day in day out. The contract is due to commence on 1st October 2020.
“I want to thank each and every member of staff, as without the work you do each and every day, as well as the dedication and passion you show to your work, this would have not been possible.”
David Haswell, Director
What does this actually mean?
Bluebird Care South Tyneside will be the sole provider in South Tyneside for complex End of Life care, working with the NHS and CCG to provide compassionate and quality care in patients last months, weeks and days of their life.
We are currently working through an implementation plan but we are looking forward to developing our very own specific Palliative Care Team to service this contract.
Join our Gold Standard Palliative Care Team >
How we secured this contact
We have been awarded this contract due to our outstanding reputation in supporting people across both South Tyneside and Newcastle in End of Life and Palliative care. It is truly down to our staff on the front line who are delivering the highest standards of care always.
“We have known for a while that we have led the way, however, we now need to ensure we continue to improve the service we provide across the business, we need to continue to invest in our training and skills, which we will be doing over the next 12 months, and continue to lead the way in providing outstanding care and support.”
David Haswell, Director
Find out more about the End of Life packages we have available >