Popular Memory Café Reopens

Published: 07/09/2021

The Vale of Belvoir Rotary Club has eagerly restarted its popular Memory Café at All Saints church in Cotgrave, which runs on the last Thursday of every month.

The free 2-hour session (2-4pm) promises lots of fun, nostalgic, and engaging social activities for suffers of memory problems and their supporters from Bingham, Radcliffe, Cotgrave, and the surrounding villages. For more information and booking:

Contact Gerry via Tel: 01949 838173

Email: thompson54@virginmedia.com

Website: www.valeofbelvoirrotary.org.uk

The general age of the people attending is around the 60 / 60+ mark, which is the time in life when dementia appears to raise its head in the population, right up to the 80+ mark. It is appreciated that for some very unfortunate people dementia can affect them from a much earlier age, therefore all age groups are welcome.

Whilst we cannot assist with the diagnosis of memory problems, we can provide some light relief and fun. Please be aware that dementia sufferers must be accompanied by a carer for the whole session.

Gerry Thompson (Event Organiser)

Each monthly meeting will be themed for the time of year e.g., bonfire night may be used to stimulate an interactive discussion about gathering and making bonfires, fireworks they bought, penny for the guy etc. They also intend to have some music, and in time, some nostalgia boxes, as well as many more activities themed for each particular meeting.