Keys to Care

Published: 19/07/2016

Keys to Care is a groundbreaking new tool and phone app for care workers developed by the Relatives and Residents Association – a charity that gives advice and support to older people receiving care and their families. Bluebird Care Richmond is now using this tool as part of the training process with all carers.   

Keys to Care is a groundbreaking new tool and phone app for care workers developed by theRelatives and Residents Association – a charity that gives advice and support to older people receiving care and their families. Bluebird Care Richmond is now using this tool as part of the training process with all carers. We strive to maintain the highest standards in care and are delighted to have this new tool to support our carers and customers. 

The Keys to Care have been put together by people who live and work in care and offer an encouraging and confidence-building support for induction and training programmes, or simply as a trigger to discussion.

The Keys to Care is a well designed and easy to use tool for new carers and for more experienced carers who would like to remind themselves of the principles of good care.  It's also great to be able to share with our customers and their families so they know what they should expect from good care.  

A free phone app is also available.
Practical, authoritative and jargon-free, this set of 12 keys cover:
  • The Care Plan
  • Care at Night
  • Continence Care
  • Daily Life
  • Dementia
  • Eating & Drinking
  • Emergencies
  • End of Life Care
  • Family & Friends
  • Listening & Talking
  • Mouth & Teeth Care
  • Privacy & Choice 

The Keys to Care are the outcome of the R&RA’s work, supported by Comic Relief, researching the need for accessible training support for care workers, particularly in residential care but also, increasingly, in home settings. Designed specifically for this busy group, sometimes with limited communication opportunities and skills, they are attracting enthusiastic interest. 

The Keys to Care are available now, download an order form here

The Keynotes

The Keynotes expand each topic, and are intended to help the care worker explore each subject further and develop their practice with the use of references, relevant regulations, and examples of good practice. Each of which helps to bring the topic to life.