Beat the cold - Winter 2023

Keep Warm Keep Well Beat the Cold


Keep Warm Keep Well Beat the Cold

Did you know.... The Cold can effect Your Health in the following ways....

1. Brain - The cold can increase the risk of social isolation and depression 

2. Heart - Increase the risk of heart attack 

3. Lungs - More prone to chest infections and can trigger chronic lung diseases, such as asthma or COPD  

4. Blood Pressure - increases blood pressure

5. Mobility - May increase the risk of falls and worsens arthritis symptoms 


Tips on staying well

  • Take care of yourself and look out for any frail neighbours
  • Wrap up warm inside and out. Several layers of thinner clothing work better than one thick layer. If you go outside, put on your hat, scarf and gloves and a good pair of shoes
  • Stay as active as you can - try to move around at least once an hour (but speak to your GP before starting any exercise plan)
  • Check that you have  a stock of food and any medicines that you need. Incase you cannot get out in the worst weather. 
  • Have your heating and cooking appliances serviced - for safety and to save on running costs. If you lose heating or hot water, we may be able to help - give 'Beat the cold' a call on 0800 389 2258