Otford Primary School Summer Fair

Published: 01/07/2017

On Saturday 01 July, 2017 we attended the Otford Primary School Summer Fair...

For such a small village primary school, this fair was one of the best-supported school fair’s that we attended this year.

The fair featured lots of different trade stalls from plants, professional photographs of local areas of outstanding natural beauty, prosecco and strawberries, vegan beauty products and hand-made baby clothes – we were lucky we didn’t take more cash than we did!

A local charity organised a balloon launch raising money for unwell children to go on holiday, this was certainly the highlight of the day and which kept most of the people there to witness.

We were the only care provider there, flying the flag and speaking to as many people we could about the rewarding work we do and how people can get involved.

We look forward to seeing them again later this year at their Christmas fair!