Fiona Williams, Director of Operations, takes part in an NHS England Workstream

Published: 14/10/2015

Fiona Williams, director of operations, recently attended NHS England’s Workstream focusing on the better use of care at home. 

Fiona Williams, director of operations, recently attended NHS England’s Workstream focusing on the better use of care at home.

This Workstream was formed off the back of the urgent need to focus work and attention to make all out-of-hospital urgent care services, including proactive care, safer, more effective, and as efficient as possible. 
The aim of this Workstream is to:
  • Improve discharge from hospital to patients’ homes when requiring a care package;
  • Provide key information around why delayed discharges occur;
  • Offer recommendations and solutions based on gathered best practice examples;
  • Support improved recruitment and retention of Care at Home staff across the ICS sector;
  • Explore telecare and housing adaptations or other options for patients requiring care at home. 
There are a variety of issues that can lead to delays in discharge for patients who are being discharged home with a care package. This Workstream will seek out the key issues that are leading to these delays, specifically focused around homecare and other housing options, in order to come up with an outline of potential solutions, best practice and successful models.
This Workstream is part of the Independent Care Sector programme, which is accountable to the Out-of-Hospital Urgent Care programme, and is chaired by Bridget Warr, CEO of UKHCA. 
Fiona commented:
It is a privilege to be part of this Workstream, driving the care at home market to be the best it can be and working alongside the NHS. I look forward to continuing this work and helping improve the quality of life for people who already receive their care in their own home and supporting them to live as independently as possible.”