Bluebird Care Plymouth are awarded ‘Outstanding’ in latest CQC report

Published: 13/12/2016

Congratulations to Bluebird Care Plymouth who were recently inspected by CQC and have been awarded the highest rating of ‘Outstanding’, by the Quality Care Commission (CQC).

Congratulations to Bluebird Care Plymouth who were recently inspected by CQC and have been awarded the highest rating of ‘Outstanding’, by the Quality Care Commission (CQC).

The region itself has received its fair share of stories recently regarding ‘inadequate’ inspections by CQC, leading to questions being raised on the quality of care in this region.

Bluebird Care Plymouth aim to challenge and reverse this reputation and even more so since receiving their outstanding rating in the category of ‘caring’.

Director of Bluebird Care Plymouth, Alexander Allan wants to reassure individuals that there are many highly-rated CQC approved care providers across the region and these should be praised, rather than focusing on the negativity in the region.

You can read the full article around Bluebird Care Plymouth’s recent achievement here.