June Highlights

Published: 30/06/2016

Welcomes, anniversaries and congratulations...  

Please show a warm welcome to our new Bluebirds – Andrea Hope, Heidi Keen, Leah Bowles, Matthew Marlow, Nigel Ellis, Charlotte Mallett, Elaine Bryant and Ben King – all of whom completed their induction this month. Well done, and good luck in your new roles!

Congratulations to Zoe Evans and Vilia Harris who have both completed one years’ service, and Bill Blair who has completed two years’ service with Bluebird Care - well done and thank you for your continued loyalty!

Carer of the Month
Congratulations to Rob Goldby who has been nominated as our Carer of the Month for June 2016! Thank you for all your hard work of late, your dedication to your work is very much appreciated.