Send us your feedback

We love to receive feedback. To leave a review please use our Facebook page or post on You can of course write to us at- Bluebird Care, Morlaix House, Newham, Truro, TR1 2DP."Throughout the past year, my daughter's team has been consistent and reliable. The carers have got to know and understand her well and therefore are able to respond to her daily needs. She benefits from having a permanent team of people around her, as her communication is very limited. As her mother, I find the overall care for her is exceptional. I trust and appreciate the team and all they do for her"

Review from GL (Mother of Customer/Service User)



Where can you leave a review? is the leading UK Home Care review website, simply click here to visit our page and leave a review. You don't need to register to leave a review, but you will need to leave some contact details. These will not be published they are simply used for verification purposes.


You can also leave us a review on Google as long as you have a Google Mail or Gmail account, following the simple steps below:

  1. Open Google and make sure you're signed in to your Google account.

  2. Search for 'Bluebird Care North Hampshire'

  3. Scroll down and on the right, you will see the option to 'write a review'.

  4. In the window that appears, click the stars to rate us and write your review.

  5. Your review will then be visible unless you take it down. After your review is published, you can edit what you have written, or change the rating and pictures you included. 

You can also leave a review on Facebook, following the simple steps below:

  1. ​​Click here to visit our Facebook page (please note you may be asked to login).

  2. Click on the ‘reviews’ tab on the left-hand side menu.

  3. You will then see ‘would you recommend Bluebird Care North Hampshire’?

  4. Click ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ and this will open another box for you to add further details.

  5. Once you have written your review, click post. 

By taking the time to leave us a review and your feedback we are able to remain active in continually improving the service we provide.

 Call us on 01872 276006 or Email