Enjoying Your Respite Care Break
If you look after a loved one, you could probably use a break – which is what our respite care service is here for. But how can carers make the most of respite care? We offer some options.
If you look after a loved one, you could probably use a break – which is what our respite care service is here for. But how can carers make the most of respite care? We offer some options.
First however, it’s important to establish…
The importance of taking a break from being a carer
Being a carer for a loved one can be a full-time job – and we know that many carers also juggle their caring responsibilities alongside having a career.
Just like with any job, having the chance to step away is crucial. It can help you recharge your batteries, and also get back in touch with who you are by doing things for yourself – without the need to stop and consider someone who isn’t as able-bodied.
That’s why respite care is important for carers.
Respite care – what are the options?
If you’ve weighed up the reasons to take a break from caring and decided that now’s the time, you might still feel a little stuck about how to get started. However, you might find there are a few options open to you.
You could:
- Contact your local social services and ask if they offer a temporary service that can help you get the carer’s break you need
- Ask family or friends if they’re able to step in and look after your loved one for a short time (ideally between one day and a week)
- Organise a holiday for the person you care for, so that they can get away too for a change of scenery
- Or you can arrange for short-term residential care, where a home carer (or a team of carers, operating one after the other throughout the day) will look after your loved one in their home while you take a break. Our specialist respite care offering is one such service.
What real-life carers (and carees!) say about respite care breaks
“A carer’s break is having some time to yourself to do your own thing, however long or short,” says David in the above video from Carers UK. He’s cared for his wife for over 20 years. “The length of time doesn’t matter in my opinion,” he continues. “It’s that you’ve got this time to yourself to do something a bit different away from your usual caring role.”
“Taking a break is an essential part of being a carer,” says Mary, who has been caring for almost 20 years and admits she learned that the hard way after developing health issues. “It [respite care] will help with your wellbeing,” she says. “It will just naturally pick up your spirit.”
Helen, a carer for her daughter, completely agrees, insisting: “I know if I didn’t have a break at all, emotionally I’d be a complete wreck!”
Meanwhile, Jean, who has MS and is cared for by her husband Geoff, echoes that sentiment. “I think it’s vital that your carer has a life of their own,” she says. “Whether it be in the daytime, or a night away, to keep them mentally sound.”
Respite care break ideas
So, by now we’ve established why taking your respite care break is important – but what sorts of things can you do to make sure you enjoy your respite care break?
Here are our suggestions:
Have a staycation
As Helen points out above, “it is important to remember that a break can be all sorts of things, and it doesn’t have to cost you anything at all.” As such, staying at home or in your local area could be just what the doctor ordered! Read a book, eat good food, put your feet up and watch a box set. Just take time for yourself – you’ll be glad you did.
Pursue a passion
Indulgent relaxation can be great, but for some people, the key to enjoying their respite care break is putting their energy into a deeply-held passion.
This really could be anything, from being creative with an art or craft, to playing a sport, performing music, tinkering with a car or learning that new skill you’ve always wanted to but never found the time for – like taking a dance class, or learning a language.
Your respite care break really is your chance to reconnect with something that’s fundamental to your identity. Or alternatively, to get the ball rolling on something new and exciting, which you can then fit around your caring responsibilities in the future.
Catch up with other people you care about
Caring for someone can eat up your time, to the point where you suddenly realise you haven’t seen other friends or loved ones in months. So another of the big reasons to take a break from caring is that it gives you a chance to reconnect with those people, and nurture the other relationships in your life that bring you care, comfort and support.
Get out in nature
According to mental health charity Mind, “spending time in green space or bringing nature into your everyday life can benefit both your mental and physical wellbeing.”
Among the specific potential benefits of being out in nature, they list:
- Improving your mood
- Reducing feelings of stress or anger
- Helping you take time out and feel more relaxed
- Improving your physical health
- Improving your confidence and self-esteem
- Helping you be more active
- Helping you make new connections
- And providing peer support.
When you consider just how much time a respite care break gives you to spend time in forests, on beaches, and strolling through the countryside, it’s not hard to see why respite care is important for carers.
Explore somewhere new
If you have a long enough break booked, you may want to go big and travel. That could mean booking an Airbnb in another part of the country, or even jumping on a plane and going abroad. Whichever takes your fancy, you’ll find plenty of tour groups online where you can meet other explorers and make new connections. When it comes to enjoying your respite care break, it’s one of the most memorable things you could possibly do.
Do you need a respite care break?
At Bluebird Care, we offer a flexible respite care service that can give you the downtime you need to do whatever you need to do. We’ll look after your loved one, make sure they take any medication they need to on time, and see to it that they’re fed, cared for, and feel fully supported while you take some much-needed time just for you.
Visit our respite care page to learn more, or get in touch with us to find out how we can work for you.