Age UK are looking for Patient & Public Voice (PPV)

Published: 27/10/2016

Age UK are looking for Patient and Public Voice (PPV) volunteers to join ‘The Sounding Board Pilot’ project, run in partnership with NHS England. 

Age UK are looking for Patient and Public Voice (PPV) volunteers to join ‘The Sounding Board Pilot’ project. This is being run in partnership with NHS England and is giving individuals the opportunity to contribute to the development of NHS England’s national health policy, health services and commissioning for older people.

This new initiative will encourage engagement with all generations as well as allow participants to use their life experiences & knowledge to make a difference.

You can find the information pack here, where you can complete the expression of interest form, registering to be involved.

Completed forms must be completed by Tuesday 8th November – via email

Alternative, you can post your form:
Liz Stacey, Freepost RTEH-ALYL-JJZU, Age UK, Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA