Bluebird Care Glasgow South support Living Wage Week

Published: 03/11/2015

As we are an accredited Living Wage employer, we are supporting Living Wage Week 2015 which takes place this week, from the 1st – 7th November!

As we are an accredited Living Wage employer, we are supporting Living Wage Week 2015 which takes place this week, from the 1st – 7th November!

The Scottish Living Wage Accreditation Initiative was set up in April 2014. Hosted by The Poverty Alliance, the Initiative works alongside the Living Wage Foundation and is funded by the Scottish Government. The Living Wage Foundation began offering accreditation to employers in the UK in 2011 and is offered to employers who pay their staff the Living Wage. There are now more than 1,100 Living Wage Employers in the UK.

Living Wage Week takes place each year and is a UK-wide celebration of the Living Wage and Living Wage Employers. The week sees accredited Living Wage Employers from across the country celebrate their commitment to the Living Wage.

Every year there are special events, organised media activities and new research shared about the impact of low pay.

Today we are hosting a lunch for all our staff to celebrate being Accredited Members of the Living Wage Foundation.

For more information on the history of the Living Wage as a concept, and on the campaign for a Living Wage, please visit their website here.