Latest Care Inspectorate report February 2015!

Published: 16/04/2015

We have received our latest Care Inspectorate report.

We have received our latest inspection report by the Care Inspectorate who regulate care services in Scotland.
The inspection took place on Thursday 18 December 2014, and Wednesday 11 February 2015, during this time, the Care Inspectorate visited our office and looked at records and spoke with staff. They also made phone calls to people who use our services and their carers.
We were graded the following:

Quality of Care and Support - 6 Excellent
Quality of Staffing - 6 Excellent
Quality of Management and Leadership - 6 Excellent

The report commented:
The service continues to deliver a very high standard of care and support to all who use it. A committed staff and management team work hard to ensure that the experiences of people who use this service are positive ones."
Read the full report here.