Optimising Hydration and Nutrition with Bluebird Care Exmouth


As we age, our bodies undergo various changes that can impact our overall health and well-being. Proper hydration and nutrition are particularly important so Bluebird Care Exmouth addresses these by completing individual care plans for each customer and responding to any changes through regular reviews. All our Care Assistants receive hydration and nutrition training during our induction and refresher training.

**Hydration Matters**

Staying hydrated becomes increasingly essential as we grow older. Dehydration can lead to a range of health issues, including fatigue, dizziness, and cognitive decline. Additionally, poor fluid intake can cause constipation and UTIs.

Bluebird Care Exmouth encourages individuals to pay close attention to their fluid intake. Incorporating hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables into meals can also contribute to overall fluid intake. Some examples of high water-content food are cucumber, grapes, tomatoes, and melons.

If you are a friend, family member or carer of someone who needs to drink more fluids, here are some things you could do:

  • Make extra drinks during your visit and maybe share drinks together
  • Buy a range of drinks and fruits / smoothies (or make one with ingredients the person likes)
  • Encourage them to drink little and often  
  • A drinking aid may help for example a cup with electronic reminders to drink, or a specialist cup with handles
  • Set up alarms and reminders on devices may help remind the person to drink
  • Add more fluid-rich foods e.g. soups, tinned fruit in juice and adding sauces to meals

**Nutrition for Vitality**

A well-balanced diet is important for maintaining health and vitality in older age. A variety of nutritious, appetising food should be made available to meet people's needs. When the person lacks capacity, we must prompt, encourage, and help them to eat as appropriate.

If you are a friend, family member or carer of someone who needs to eat well, here are some things you could do:

  • Encourage them to make an appointment with their Nurse or GP
  • Share your concerns with people involved in the person’s care
  • Check for signs of anxiety, depression or lack of interest in things
  • Talk to them about eating for example asking them what they had to eat and drink yesterday
  • Encourage snacking
  • You could support them to attend social events which include meals, such as lunch clubs

In conclusion, Bluebird Care Exmouth recognises that optimising hydration and nutrition is a key part of supporting our customers. By emphasising the significance of staying hydrated, maintaining a balanced diet, and adapting dietary choices to individual needs.