Bluebird Care Exmouth launches #MakeADifference recruitment campaign

Published: 07/06/2018

Bluebird Care Exmouth is celebrating their fantastic team of care assistants, and the difference they make across their local communities every day, as part of a national campaign, which launched on Tuesday 8th May.

Bluebird Care Exmouth is celebrating their fantastic team of care assistants, and the difference they make across their local communities every day, as part of a national campaign, which launched on Tuesday 8th May.

The #MakeADifference campaign, headed up by Bluebird Care’s franchise support centre, aims to highlight and raise awareness of care at home as a profession, which enables vulnerable people to receive the care and support they require in the comfort of their own homes.

We interviewed Bluebird Care Exmouth’s longest-standing care assistant of over 5 years, Kim Clark, who explained to us why she finds a career in care so rewarding.

You started your career back in June 2013 what has been the key factor in staying 5 years?
“I have stayed with Bluebird Care for 5 years due to the company being such a good friendly company to work for. It has fitted in around my family life. Being so flexible has been fantastic. Great Career opportunities have been available to me along my journey with excellant training which I have always  found very enjoyable as I always come away learning something  new.  I love my job with Bluebird Care as I’ve always found it doesn’t matter what time of day it is or what the problem is there is always someone to help you.

What do you find most rewarding about being a care assistant?
“I find looking after our customers, giving them the care and support they need to stay in their own homes very rewarding . Over the past 5 years I’ve built up a number of good relationships with my night customers. I’ve looked forward to going to work just to see them and look after them”.

Tell us about your career journey, where did you begin and where are you now?
“I started working in care homes when I was 19 which then followed to working in a EMI unit, which I found challenging but rewarding. After a few years I went to work in the community looking after people in their own homes. I found the move from working in a care home to the community very different but in a good way. Having the time to look after one person with no interruptions, providing one-on-one care is just brilliant. Unlike in a care home, where you are always running to a time schedule and sharing your time with a number of customers. I always found I couldn’t give each person the time and care they needed or deserved”.

Can you give an example of a day you found particularly rewarding or a favourite memory at Bluebird Care – helping a particular customer or a touching story to tell?
“I will always remember a night-shift I did about two years ago . I wouldn’t say it was enjoyable but extremely rewarding.

I had been looking after this lovely lady for 8 months who was finally at the stage of end of life care. I had built up a very good rapport with her and loved going to look after her 3-4 nights a week. This particular night was very difficult, as throughout the night I was met with very challenging care situations as the lady was slowly passing away.

I felt that the whole night while I was there, looking after this lovely lady was very rewarding for me as I had made a real difference. Making sure she was comfortable and looked after well at all times, providing her with high quality care and support. My lady passed away whilst I was there in the early morning and to this day I feel very proud of the care and support I gave to her over the months. It was a real privilege to care for her”.

All those interested in getting in touch and finding out more about how they could make a difference working with Bluebird Care should visit our Careers page at