Help for those with dementia in Coventry
Around 120,000 people with dementia live alone in the UK. Most of these people (around 85%) would prefer to continue to live independently for as long as possible. For this reason, it's important that patients and carers receive the right advice to allow those with dementia to not just live, but to live well.
In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps needed to help those with dementia to live independently and safely for as long as possible.
At home
When an individual with dementia lives alone, it’s vital that their home is as safe and comfortable as it can be.
A number of different steps can help, such as including instructional signs, safety features on appliances and, minimising busy patterns within the home which may cause confusion. Always focus on safety and think about ways in which you can mitigate the risks. Think about the particular individual and the difficulties they experience.
Extra help can be had from the Alzheimer Societies' booklet, ‘making your home dementia-friendly’. It's also worth taking a look at the Dementia Services Development Centre for further advice.
Routine and lifestyle
A key part of managing dementia is the implementation of core routines.
As the condition progresses, simple tasks such as washing, cooking and even eating can become confusing, difficult and often forgotten.
The Alzheimer Society provides detailed guides to aspects of daily living and suggests that a balanced diet, along with exercise and routines for morning and evening, can be a great help. When putting together a routine, particular attention should be paid to:
- Toileting
- Washing and hygiene
- Dressing
- Food preparation
- Eating (particularly for those suffering from dysphagia)
- Drinking water
For most of us, these are activities which are performed with little conscious thought. For those with dementia, remembering to do these things - and remembering how to do them - becomes increasingly difficult as the condition progresses.
Making signs or stickers for these routines and placing them strategically around the home can help with focus. Gentle exercise such as walking can also play a big part in maintaining an active routine.
The social network
Staying active and engaged is vital for the wellbeing of people living with dementia and this includes socialising.
Connecting with others can significantly help dementia sufferers to feel supported and less isolated. The NHS recommends maintaining social activities such as outings to the cinema or theatre trips, as well as keeping in touch with a supportive network of family and friends.
Physical and mental stimulation can help greatly and many councils offer dementia-friendly activities such as walking groups and workshops. This is also important for carers as they too benefit from a practical and emotional support around them.
A healthy outlook
The majority of dementia sufferers in the UK (92%) are also living with an additional health condition. These can include illnesses such as diabetes through to heart disease.
As a result of this co-morbidity, it is essential that those living with dementia are given regular health checks. This should include hearing and sight tests. Sensory issues can add to the individual’s confusion and, so, these should never be overlooked. Similarly, dental appointments, as well as standard GP check-ups should be attended regularly.
Many people living with dementia will, at one time or another, suffer a urinary tract infection (UTI). This can exacerbate the symptoms of dementia so, these should always be checked out immediately. Individuals with dementia who are suffering a UTI will often present as more confused and disoriented so this should never go unchecked.
Be supported: Bluebird Care in Coventry and surrounding areas
We understand the vital importance of remaining as independent as possible following a dementia diagnosis. We also understand that doing this can necessitate care and support in the home.
Bluebird Care in Coventry, which covers Bablake, Earlsdon, Sherbourne, Wainbody and Whoberley, is here to help those living with dementia to live a meaningful and fulfilling life, at home. We offer the right support at the right time.
Get in touch today to find out how we can help provide tailored support for safe, fulfilling and enjoyable everyday living for people with dementia. Call us on 02475 263300.
How to find the right care for you or your relative
1. Find your local office
Bluebird Care delivers care from locally based offices, find yours to start your care journey today.
2. Get in touch with us
Fill in our call back form or give us a call to find out how we can help you.
3. Assessment
We’ll come out to you to find out what you or your loved one needs to help stay independent at home.
4. Care team chosen & care starts
You'll be cared for by our specially trained team to support you to remain at home for as long as possible.