Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead support Department of Health and Social Care's campaign

Published: 12/02/2019

Today has been launched a new recruitment campaign which will run until April by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) have today launched a new recruitment campaign which will run until April, hoping to raise the profile of the social care sector and encourage individuals to consider a career in social care.

The campaign is called ‘every day is different when you work in social care’.


Its aim is to encourage more people to apply to work in adult social care by:

• Raising awareness of the variety of job roles and opportunities available.
• Changing what people think about working in the sector.
• Increasing consideration and intention amongst individuals with the right values, and who might be looking for a new challenge.

As a health care provider, at Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead we are very proud to support this national campaign to drive new recruits into the adult social care sector.

To find out more, please visit

There are so many and varied ways to make a difference by supporting people of different ages, with different abilities and needs. If you would like to work in social care, please check our vacancies or contact our staff at 0207 4490557  or just complete our contact form.