Lemsford fete 2023

Bluebird care Welwyn and Hatfield raises money for Headway Hertfordshire.


Bluebird care Welwyn and Hatfield raises money for Headway Hertfordshire.

We raised £100 for Headway at Lemsford fete.

One of our new customers is a gentleman that suffered a brain injury and as a result he needs support in his home with personal care, meal preps and going out into the community.

Our wonderful Carers and the management team have really grown fond of him and after hearing his story and how a charity called Headway has been supporting him over the years, we decided to use the opportunity of the stall at Lemsford fete to raise money for this charity that supports people with brain injury.

We spoke to sister who shared a few words with us.

Mr P’s sister said that Headway have been supportive since her brother was getting ready to return to living with the family after his devastating brain injury. She believes that their invaluable training for them as a family meant that they were all able to understand what had happened to Mr P’s brain and how to respond in a helpful way. 

One aspect of brain injury can be that the frontal lobes are damaged and this part of the brain controls behaviour.

Headway helped them to see that her brother was not always able to control his emotions and actions and they offered a support group for families in similar situations so that they could all help each other to understand and to share coping strategies.

 In turn this knowledge was shared with us as his care company which meant that his allocated carers were well informed in how to best care for him as an individual and really enable us to create a personalised care plan for him.


Every fortnight Mr P attends the local Headway group (Headway Hertfordshire) accompanied by a Bluebird Carer, where he  enjoys sessions that involve exploring art, playing games, and days out but most importantly provides a space to build relationships with others with brain injury.

Mrs C had this to say about headway:

Headway have truly been a real lifeline to us all and considering one million people a year attend A&E with a head injury, traumatic brain injury really could have a life changing impact on any one of us.

Lemsford fete 

It was such fun attending the Lemsford fete for the 2nd year running and as well as raising much needed funds for Headway our chosen charity this year, the fete gave us an opportunity to inform our local community of the services we offer but most important a time to be part of and engage with the residents. Our stall drew quite a bit of attention, with Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts and parents bringing along kids to play our game of ‘ Catch the Blue bird’ or rather catch the blue duck. The prize for the winners were sweets and a balloon which went down a treat.

Lemsford fete really does give you that wonderful country feeling with activities such as the Maypole dancing, Archery, displays of vintage cars and more. You could really sense that community spirit that we don’t often get to experience, a fantastic  day out for everyone of all ages.

John from Headway Hertfordshire said;.

Thank you for thinking of us and raising some much-needed funds. Brain injury can challenge every aspect of your life – walking, talking, thinking, and feeling, the losses can be severe and permanent. We help survivors regain an improved quality of life through a wide range of services.

It is always important that as well as working closely with the individual, we ensure to form a relationship with the other services that support them so that the care we give the individual is truly tailored around them as an individual.

As a local home care company, Bluebird care Welwyn and Hatfield  we support people in their own homes with daily personal tasks that may be more challenging because of illness, disability, or old age.

We pride ourselves in providing premium and personalised care.

The people we support all have different needs and require different levels of support. From personal care, to companionship, as well as Live in care.



For more information on Headway please go to:www.bing.com/search?pglt=41&q=headway+hertfordshire&cvid=a04c54dfab864a1887d95fd1fade6349&aqs=edge.0.69i59l3j0l3j69i60l3.1672j0j1&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=LCTS