Launching our Winter WARMTH Campaign

Published: 27/11/2015

As winter starts to draw in, we are sending out a strong message that cold weather can be extremely serious and urging local people to prepare for winter with some simple steps to stay safe and warm. The threat of another severe winter has lead us to launch a Winter WARMTH campaign which will provide charities with information and guidance to help elderly and vulnerable people living in our local area keep warm this winter.

As winter starts to draw in, we are sending out a strong message that cold weather can be extremely serious and urging local people to prepare for winter with some simple steps to stay safe and warm.

The threat of another severe winter has lead us to launch a Winter WARMTH campaign which will provide charities with information and guidance to help elderly and vulnerable people living in our local area keep warm this winter.

The campaign is part of our ongoing work with local charities and forums which aims to extend support further into the community.

Our Winter WARMTH campaign includes providing factsheets and holding talks with local charities and groups to provide tips and guidance.

Also, as part of the campaign, we have joined with Involve Carers and Family Mosaic Home Improvement Agency to distribute over 200 temperature cards amongst residents in the Maidstone area. We donated the temperature cards because we believe it is vital to actively support their local community through local charities who do a fantastic job.

Donna Crozier, Operations Manager at Family Mosaic Home Improvement Agency commented: ‘Keeping warm across the winter months is such an important message to get across. It’s great that so many like-minded organisations can work together to raise awareness reaching as many people as possible.’

Involve Carers who do an important job of supporting family carers distributed cards and information to a number of their carers who support elderly and vulnerable people. Barbara Hagan, Manager commented: ‘We were pleased to be able to distribute these cards at our recent Carers Forum. It is not always apparent to people when their homes become too cold, especially when they are trying to manage on a low income and the benefit of the temperature cards is that it alerts people of the need to take action’.

For more details about staying safe in the cold, please call the office on 01622 618 786 or email