10 Winter Activities for Older People

As the winter season approaches, finding enjoyable activities for the elderly becomes increasingly important to ensure they remain active, engaged, and connected.


As the winter season approaches, finding enjoyable activities for the elderly becomes increasingly important to ensure they remain active, engaged, and connected.

Whether indoors or outdoors, there are numerous activities that cater to the unique needs and preferences of the elderly. Additionally, care providers can help in facilitating and enhancing these experiences along with support and community.

Indoor Gardening

Create a mini indoor garden with potted plants. This not only adds a touch of nature but also provides a fulfilling and nurturing hobby.

Art and Craft Sessions

Engage in creative activities such as painting, drawing, or crafting. Many people find joy in expressing themselves artistically. You can also keep an eye out for local community art classes and events.

Book Clubs and Reading Circles

Encourage reading by forming a book club or participating in reading circles to encourage socialisation. The cold can be very isolating which can have a negative impact on mental health.

Cooking and Baking

Explore new cooking recipes. This not only provides an opportunity for socialising but also encourages problem-solving and good nutrition.

Virtual Exercise Classes

Engage in gentle exercise routines through virtual classes staying active as it gets colder is very important and there are loads of great free classes online.

Memory Games and Puzzles

Stimulate the mind with puzzles and memory games regular game sessions promote cognitive health and social interaction.


Explore the therapeutic benefits of music and look for musical events or incorporate music into daily routines to uplift spirits and evoke positive emotions.


Find a workshop that is interesting and engaging, mastering a new skill can enhance communication, combat feelings of isolation and improve confidence.

Storytelling Sessions

Encourage the sharing of life stories to foster a sense of connection and provide an opportunity to reflect on rich experiences. You never know what you might learn!

Seasonal Crafts

Embrace the winter theme with seasonal crafts. From making decorations to holiday-themed projects, these activities bring a sense of festivity and creativity.

Care Providers

If you are having trouble engaging with your loved one Care providers can play a pivotal role in enhancing the winter experience for older people. Beyond facilitating activities, they can help tailor activities to individual interests and understand the unique preferences of each person which allows care providers to create personalised activities.

Winter can sometimes bring feelings of loneliness. Care providers offer emotional support, creating a compassionate and understanding environment organising group activities such as outings, game nights, or special events and promoting social interaction fosters a sense of community.

Make sure to stay safe this winter and reach out to the community and care providers if you need help, support or even just some advice. If you may be considering care throughout the colder months, take a look at our care services.