Bluebird Care Eastbourne & Wealden supports Samaritan's Children's Christmas Shoebox appeal

Published: 09/10/2017

This year Bluebird Care Eastbourne & Wealden will be joining thousands of people world wide taking part in the Samaritan's Children’s Christmas Shoebox appeal. 

This year Bluebird Care Eastbourne & Wealden will be joining thousands of people world wide taking part in the Samaritan's Children’s Christmas Shoebox appeal.

If you have any spare shoeboxes, or items you would like to donate to fill them, please pop by our office in Eastbourne. If you would like to join us and create a shoe box to give to a child this Christmas please contact the office on 01323 727 903 you can also visit the following Samaritans Website to find out more information about the appeal.