Bluebird Care offers Live In Respite Care

Published: 15/09/2019

Bluebird Care Birmingham North offers live in respite care for those short term periods as required.

Returning home from hospital after surgery or a debilitating illness can be a challenging prospect if you or your relative are not quite fit or well enough to cope alone. Here at Bluebird Care Birmingham North, we understand that sometimes live-in respite care, an extra pair of hands to help you or a family member get back to full strength, can be a welcome solution for a few weeks.

Bluebird Care Birmingham North are regularly called upon to provide live-in respite care when clients have had a knee or hip operation, emergency surgery or have experienced a period of ill health and are in need of extra support when they get home to recuperate.

We are able to assist clients with post-operative exercise plans and provide a healthy diet of freshly cooked food to get clients back on the road to health.

Having a live-in carer for a short period offers family members a break, along with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your relative is receiving round-the-clock care and companionship when they need it most.

Bluebird Care Birmingham North welcome calls from clients who might be looking at a period of live-in respite care and we are happy to discuss individual requirements and create a care plan personally tailored to suit you.

If you’d like to talk to someone about the option of respite care, please call 0121 572 4199 and one of our friendly head-office team will be happy to help.