Falls FAQs

Find out the answers to our most frequently asked questions about preventing falls and what to do if you or a loved one does fall.

Why is it important to know about the risks associated with falls?

Understanding how trips and falls are more likely to occur is the first step to preventing them.

Why is regular exercise important?

Exercise can improve balance, strength, coordination and flexibility. So it is vital to keep moving, for example walking and swimming. Talk to your doctor or a healthcare professional about the type of exercise that would be good for you and follow their recommendation.  A doctor may refer you to support from a physical or occupational therapist. They can visit you at home to provide an individual exercise program to suit you that improves balance, muscle strength and gait (how you take steps).

Consider joining a local health and fitness centre where you can meet like-minded people and give each other encouragement to exercise regularly. Group activities can be fun. You might benefit from group exercises such as water workouts in a pool or Tai Chi, a gentle exercise that helps reduce the risk of falling. Yoga and body balance classes are also good for posture, flexibility, mobility and balance.

If you prefer to exercise at home, then Age UK has an excellent free guide on simple strength and balance exercises which you can download for free.

Why is what I eat and drink important?

To avoid medical conditions that increase your risk of falling it is essential to receive enough essential nutrients. Eat breakfast every morning. Remember skipping a meal could make you dizzy. Drinking alcohol can also make you feel dizzy. It can affect your co-ordination which increases the risk of falling.

Avoid dehydration by drinking plenty of fluids each day. You may not always feel thirsty or hungry so finding ways to remind you to eat and drink throughout the day is often a good idea.

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