Local support and activities groups in the Newforest

What activities are there organised in the Newforest ? What support groups are there in the area for you and your family ?

Here at Bluebird Care New Forest , we realise that our elderly community is becoming more and isolated, However, the area is well-resourced with some amazing support and activities groups , where your beloved could go for lunches , or activities.

It is a good way to try to engage with the wider community. Our health care teams can help your beloved to get ready in the morning and to go to these events or even accompany them.

Or when you are the main carer for your beloved, it can be draining and you need some support as well. 


Oakhaven ; The Coates Centre Dementia Support Group

Oak Room, Oakhaven Hospice, Lower Pennington Lane, Lymington, SO41 8ZZ

Every Thursday, 10.30am -12.00pm

Email: Cynthia.doughty@btinternet.com

Ringwood Allotment:

Ringwood Long Lane allotments

Tuesday Mornings 10am - 12noon,
please contact us to confirm details

Tel: 07775 908330

Email: df.ringwoodandbransgore@gmail.com

Age Concern

Aim of Age Concern New Forest is to provide a range of services that meet the aims of beneficiaries and their expectations on a sustainable basis.
Their purpose and objectives include: 

  • To encourage older people to take part in suitable activities for the many fit and active older people in the area.

  • To provide and encourage social contact and friendship for all older people.

  • To help to plan the services that older people want and need. Aim to ensure that local Council and Heath Authority know what older people require.

  • To encourage older people to become involved in supporting local projects.


Website: ageconcernnfe.btck.co.uk


Tel: 023 8084 1199 

Address: Southward House, Beaulieu Road, Dibden Purlieu
Southampton, SO45 4PT

Alzheimer's Research UK

Alzheimer’s Research UK is the UK's leading dementia research charity, dedicated to causes, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cure. Backed by their passionate scientists and supporters, They are challenging the way people think about dementia, uniting the big thinkers in the field and funding the innovative science that will deliver a cure.


Website: https://www.alzheimersresearchuk.org/ 

Tel: 0300 111 5555

Living made easy

Living Made Easy is brought to you by the DLF, the charity previously known as the Disabled Living Foundation. 

Since 1969 the DLF has been providing free impartial advice and information on solutions, gadgets, adaptations and aids to make life easier. 

They are continuing mission to maximise your lifestyle, adding life to years through practical advice. 


Website:  www.livingmadeeasy.org.uk

Tel: 0300 999 0004


Dementia Adventure

Vision: A more active and fulfilled life for everyone living with dementia. A registered community interest company offering dementia holidays, traning, research, dementia friendly venues, consultancy and more. Supporting people with dementia to get outdoors and experience the benefits of nature.


Website: www.dementiaadventure.co.uk

Tel: 01245 237 548

Dementia UK

Dementia UK – the specialist dementia nurse charity.

Their nurses, known as Admiral Nurses, who they continually support and develop, provide life-changing care for families affected by all forms of dementia – including Alzheimer’s disease.

Nurses are here when people need help. They have the time to listen and the knowledge to solve problems. As dementia specialists, Admiral Nurses help families manage complex needs – considering the person living with dementia and the people around them – and they can advise other healthcare professionals.

For families affected by dementia, they can be a lifeline.

When people are struggling, their nurses help them take back control. They help people living with dementia to stay independent for longer, and support the people caring for them so they have the strength to cope with the bad days, and the energy to enjoy the good days.

We believe Admiral Nurses give people the quality of care that we would all want for ourselves and our loved ones – and they are working hard to increase the number of nurses across the UK so no one has to face dementia alone.


Website: www.dementiauk.org

Tel: 0800 888 6678

DSDC The Dementia Centre

Based at the University of Stirling, DSDC uses research to inform practice, and practice to inform research providing comprehensive resources for anyone supporting someone living with dementia, both personally and professionally.


Website: www.dementia.stir.ac.uk

Tel: 01786 467745 or 01786 467350

Join Dementia Research

Join Dementia Research is run by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) in partnership with Alzheimer ScotlandAlzheimer's Research UK and Alzheimer's Society. The service enables people to register their interest in participating in dementia research and be matched to suitable studies.

Through Join Dementia Research, people can see what dementia research is taking place, both in their local area and across the UK.

The service connects researchers with people who want to participate in studies. You will receive a notification and can choose whether or not to proceed. There is no obligation to take part in any of the studies you are matched to. 


Website: www.joindementiaresearch.nihr.ac.uk

Tel: 0300 111 5111


Revitalise is a national charity and the leading UK provider of breaks and holidays for disabled people and carers across two purpose-built centres. They create lasting experiences that stay with guests long after they return home and campaign for equal access to breaks and holidays.


Website: www.revitalise.org.uk

Tel: 0303 303 0145

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We have compiled a list of various groups run by volunteers who can make a difference in your life. Contact them directly for more information

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