Domiciliary Care is an area where a large proportion of staff work alone

Published: 21/12/2016

While the majority of workers will carry out their care-working role without incident, for some staff there may be times when they have to deal with situations that could cause them distress, fear, injury or pain. 

While the majority of workers will carry out their care-working role without incident, for some staff there may be times when they have to deal with situations that could cause them distress, fear, injury or pain.
A staff welfare policy and lone working policy will ensure that all staff have their welfare managed. This may include the provision of personal safety alarms. There should also be the consideration that lone workers are taking adequate breaks throughout the day, particularly if they are travelling long distances between visits.
To prevent serious incidents occurring, domiciliary care organisations are required by law to ensure the safety of all staff that work alone. This is done by carrying out an assessment of the risks to staff, which may include poor weather conditions, risks of violence to staff and car accidents or breakdowns.
Organisations should then put measures in place to reduce the likelihood of these incidents occurring, such as contingency planning, assessment of possible violence, staff keeping in regular contact with head office and staff training.
Assessment will highlight any parking problems, but care assistants should be mindful of alternative places to park, especially if the visit is taking place in dark, unlit areas.
Also, the care assistant should be aware of car park entrances and exits, payment machines and their own personal safety when parking.
Care assistants must keep to your schedule of work. If they are delayed for any reason let the office know, it’s also your responsibility to maintain your safety.
But there are benefits of working alone. It’s not all doom and gloom. For example, interruptions are fewer and it becomes easy to focus.
Also you are able to make your own choices. Thinking on your feet and using your own innovative allows you to be more independent.
So keep safe and take precautions to ensure your safety as vulnerable people need your support.