Donanemab - the new Alzheimer's drug

New drug donanemab is 'a turning point in the fight against Alzheimer’s'


New drug donanemab is 'a turning point in the fight against Alzheimer’s'

Have you seen the news about a new drug that can help prolong the effects of Alzheimer’s?

According to clinical trials it can help to slow the progression of the disease by more than 20%!

Whilst this may only seem like a small percent for now, it will hopefully lead the way to developing further research and studies to increase this number!

To put it in to context over 60% of people who have dementia have the Alzheimer’s variation.

Whilst we wait for medication and research to evolve Alzheimer’s can be an exceptionally challenging condition for families to navigate.

At Bluebird Care we have an incredible team of Carers who are trained and experienced in supporting people with all types of Dementia.

Patience, understanding and empathy are key traits and skills that our carers use in order to support our customers.

If you or a loved one are affected by Dementia and would like to speak to us about how best to manage supporting those with the condition, please give us a call on 01206 827605 and ask for one of our Managers/Supervisors or simply message us on Facebook to start a conversation.