Customer testimonials

We regularly receive a wonderful array of customer and care staff testimonials, here are a selection of some of the testimonials we have received directly, and through the website.

Reputation Reviews

Showing results 1 - 8 (of 50)

Dear Krissy,

I just wanted to write to thank all the Bluebird Carers and the wider Bluebird Care team very much for all they did for Ian and me. I would welcome anyone from Bluebird who would like to attend Ian's funeral.

Thank you once again for making Ian's life as comfortable as it could be.


To Melvyn, Krissy, Sue, Sandra, Chloe, Caroline & everyone at Bluebird Care - including Bertie (although I never spoke to him on the phone!)

Thank you for the gorgeous flower arrangement that you sent me on the occassion of my retirement.

Best wishes to you all

Love Brenda

- xxx -

Dear Krissy and all the team looking after John.


Thank you for putting together an amazing care package for my brother. Thank you to all the carers who were lovely with John and supportive to Jan. You've all been wonderful and on behalf of the family we can't thank you enough.

With love from Irene x

To all at Bluebird

I have loved my time at Bluebird and wish you all the best!

Thank you


To Bob,

Thank you for agreeing to come and talk to St Barnabos Ladies Group on 6th July 2017

I look forward to seeing you and learning more about how we can be more mindful of people living with Dementia.

Once again, thank you for taking the time


Dear Bluebird Care

Thank you for arranging a cab for me to visit the Oaks last week.

It was a hasty, dark morning with heavy traffic but Lisa got me there on time for my eye appointment.

It was a great relief.

Yours sincerely


To Melvyn and all the Ladies at Bluebird Care

Thank you for all your support and knowledge, I gained a lot from you all.



To all at Bluebird Care

Thank you for your kindness, it was appreciated.


From a grumpy husband - Jim

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