Bring your dog to work day!

Published: 23/06/2023

Two dogs, two different working approaches!

Today is Take Your Dog to Work Day! 🐾 Here at Bluebird Care it’s not uncommon for our furry friends to be important members of our office teams.

On the left we have Callie, Head of Barketing, dressed to impress and exhibiting impecable posture and focus. And on the right we have Bertie the Support Dog. Bertie has opted for no uniform, a bed instead of a chair and a nap instead of a job!

The only support Bertie has provided today is to his bed! I know which Office Dog I would employ!

Jokes aside - they do a very important job of looking cute, giving us our daily dose of puppy cuddles and boosting team morale! Post a picture of your dog in the comments below!!! 🐶🥰