Customer testimonials

We regularly receive a wonderful array of customer and care staff testimonials, here are a selection of some of the testimonials we have received directly, and through the website.

Reputation Reviews

Showing results 25 - 32 (of 50)

The most important thing is that these daily visits are really looked forward to by her and it starts her day in the most pleasant way. It is a great comfort to my wife and I as we live two hours away and are not able to spend the time with her as much as we would like but knowing she gets these visits and the ability to read the carer's report every day puts our minds at rest.

Thank you to everyone at Bluebird Care for the care you have provided to my wife.

Thank again for all of your help, I couldn't have asked for a smoother transition for dad coming home.

"What do you value most about our service?" Everything, the carers are very good. Can add things with no problem

Many thanks, as always, for the excellent work Bluebird Care do for us

I am extremely happy with having extra care at tea time. Mum has adjusted well to it. She is benefiting very well from the routine she has at present, so thank you and the carers for that.


A big thank you to Alyshia for helping mum with her care line. Very much appreciated. Thank you to all of you for a great service which gives us peace of mind.


An extra thank you for the excellent service you provide, it gives us great comfort to know that Marjorie has a contact every day. 

Your morning visits mean a lot to her. It is the regularity that she waits for and it is great comfort to us to know that her wellbeing is being monitored.

Thank you for an excellent service.

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