Bluebird Care hosted Silver Sunday event for older people

Published: 17/10/2019

On Sunday 13th October Bluebird Care hosted over 35 older residents at their second annual ‘Silver Sunday’ Lunch at the Fieldgate Centre in Kingsclere.

On Sunday 13th October Bluebird Care hosted over 35 older residents at their second annual ‘Silver Sunday’ Lunch at the Fieldgate Centre in Kingsclere. The event is part of a national day to overcome loneliness amongst older people.  Hundreds of organisations across the UK came together to host free and low-cost events and activities .

The day aims to combat loneliness by providing free events for older people to try something new and meet new people.  Whilst loneliness can strike at any age, older people are at greater risk.  According to Age UK, more than a million older people say they go for over a month without speaking to a friend, neighbour or family member. 

Silver Sunday is organised by the Sir Simon Milton Foundation, a charity that works to reduce loneliness and isolation amongst older people.  For one day every year, Silver Sunday provides older people an opportunity to get out of the house, try new things and meet new people as well as to find out about local services that are available throughout the year.

Silver Sunday Founder, Lady Christabel Flight said: “Some people don’t like to admit they’re feeling lonely and Silver Sunday is a positive way to do something about it by meeting new people. You’re never too old to try something new and Silver Sunday is the perfect opportunity.”

The Sunday lunch in Kingsclere was the brainchild of Kim Teagle and Charlotte Scott at Bluebird Care who wanted to support such a worthwhile cause and help older people in their local community.  John Prendergast, Director of Bluebird Care commented that “It is a privilege to be able to do something small that has such a profound impact on people’s happiness and wellbeing.  It is so rewarding to see local residents, whether Bluebird Care customers or not coming together and enjoying each other’s company.”

A full roast lunch was followed by Bingo and a quiz which were both enjoyed by everyone.  The day was such a success that plans are already afoot for Silver Sunday 2020.

For more information please contact Kim Teagle at Bluebird Care on 01256 762324 or email