Carers Week 2023

Week commencing 5th of June was carers week, a week to celebrate all the hard work carers do every single day.


Week commencing 5th of June was carers week, a week to celebrate all the hard work carers do every single day.

We decided to celebrate the occasion by inviting all of our care assistants to the office for a tea and cake day! We had some Bluebird Care Inspired cupcakes made by our Supervisor Terri and our Care Assistant Ingrid made a yumy Chocolate cake! It was a great way to show all of our Care Assistants how much our customers and ourselves, appreciate their hard work. 


We had an amazing day with the team, all of our Care Assistants got to know each other and we asked a few of them if they enjoy their role, one of them said 

“The staff here are really supportive,and help you to become a better carer and being a Care Assistant has helped me mentally and improved my confidence” - Care Assistant


Every year we celebrate Carers Week as it’s vital to show all of our staff they’re appreciated, especially our Care Assistants.