Emergency Support Framework Assessment by CQC

Published: 22/07/2020

Emergency Support Framework Assessment by the Care Quality Commission


The Care Quality Commission, our regulatory body that regulates and inspects health and social care services, has carried out an Emergency Support Framework Assessment of our services to mainly inspect the following areas: 


Safe care and Treatment

Staffing arrangements

Protection from Abuse

Assurance processes

Monitoring and Risk Management


We are proud to announce that Bluebird Care (Medway) has been assessed thoroughly by the Care Quality Commission and the outcome is that we are managing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in an efficient and safe manner to both our staff as well as our customers. 

The overall summary includes information about the safety of our staff and our clients, the standard of care that we deliver, the internal and external stresses we are currently experiencing, how they are being managed, and sources of support that are available to us.

Emergency Support Framework Assessments are not inspections and the summary records are not inspection reports but we wanted to share this information with you to assure you that we continue to run a safe service during such challenging times of Covid 19.