Pet Friendly Campaign 2023

Published: 12/06/2023

Learn more about our pet friendly care services...

At Bluebird Care Epping & Harlow, we provide a high-quality Homecare and Live in Care service to help older people and other vulnerable adults to live independent lives in the comfort and safety of their own homes. 

We keep you in control and provide you with the home care services and support you want, where and when you want it. It's your life and your care, so it must be your way. We put our customers first.


Pet friendly care services

As people age or fall ill, it may become more difficult for them to look after their pets. Here at Bluebird Care Epping & Harlow, we provide a variety of services to help you and your loved one remain at home with your beloved pets.

A Bluebird Care assistant with her pet cat

Pets provide companionship and unconditional love to their owners. For people who need live-in care and support, having a pet provides a routine which is essential to help focus their mind. 

Our carers are dedicated to providing support and care so individuals can continue with their daily routines in the comfort and safety of their homes.

Event if you don't own a pet, simply interacting with an animal can help you experience many benefits!

A Bluebird Care Assistant with her pet horse

Benefits of the elderly owning pets

Theres many benefits for the elderly when owning pets:

  • Reducing stress
  • Soothing loneliness
  • Providing a purpose and routine 
  • Increasing joy and relaxation

87 percent of owners agree that having a pet makes them mentally healthier.

PDSA’s 2021 PAW Report

But these aren't the only benefits as there are biological impacts too. The HABRI (Human Animal Bond Research Institute) explains that the bond between an owner and pet influences the owner's blood pressure, heart rate and hormones.

A Bluebird Care Live in care assistant with her pet turtle

Pet and home care can run co-operatively. If you or your loved one has a pet, as part of our domiciliary care service we will try and match you with a care assistant who also enjoys and understands animals as much as you do! 

A Bluebird Care Live in care assistant with her pet dog

63 percent of those who lived alone stated that a pet ‘gives a sense of purpose’ and is 'someone to talk to’

Get in touch today to find out more about how we can help you and your family, by providing pet-friendly care and support at your home.