Mental Health Champions 2022

Published: 02/07/2022

What is 'Mental Health?' Here is what our Bluebird Care Mental Health Champions had to say....

Mental health is as important as physical health and at Bluebird Care Epping & Harlow we recognise the need to facilitate support as and when needed. It affects how we think, feel, and act. Your mental health helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood right through to our adulthood. 

At Bluebird Care Epping & Harlow, we know mental health isn’t just a concern for people in care. Anyone can struggle with anxiety, low mood or depression, from unpaid carers to students with deadlines, professionals with high-stress jobs, and everyone in between.

Whatever you do, and whatever your background, knowing the things to do to take care of yourself can make an enormous difference.

If you would like more information, advice or support for you or a loved one, please visit Mental Health Foundation 


Mental Health Champion - Debra Goaté

Bluebird Care Epping & Harlow - mental health

Mental health has had a stigma attached to it for such a long time.  Thankfully attitudes are changing and we are more aware of each other’s mental wellbeing.  Of course, we are very aware of our customers’ mental wellbeing.  We need to ensure a comfortable atmosphere so that everyone feels that they can speak about their mental health, if they want to, without feeling embarrassed or worried. 

I have always been something of an agony aunt, even when I was at school, being a good listener and always aware of the need for confidentiality.

I wanted to have some training in order to be able to help anyone in need.  I hope that anyone who feels the need to talk would feel comfortable enough to speak to me or any of our other Mental Health First Aiders.  Mental health is just as important as physical health.  You cannot divorce the two and expect people to be present as happy all the time, whilst being able to function properly in their personal and professional lives.  Mental health has been hidden away for so long, it’s time to recognise it and offer appropriate support. 

Mental Health Champion Tracy Poulson

Bluebird Care Epping & Harlow - mental health

Being a mental health first aider, means I am designated to support with anyone at work struggling from mental health issues, providing a safe key point of contact, as well as advice and guidance in seeking the professional help and support that the individual may need.

I wanted to gain more knowledge and decided to complete this training, I feel that I can now fully support my team.

I have the trust in myself to be approachable and the team can talk to me about anything.  

Mental Health Champion - Clem Towlson

Please watch the short two minute video, below, to hear why Clem is one of dedicated our Mental Health Champion

Bluebird Care Epping & Harlow offer our care team FREE counselling service via the students at Southend & Essex College.


Clem Towlson talks about her personal counselling experience in the short 2 minute video below.

At Bluebird Care Epping & Harlow, we provide a high-quality Homecare and Live-in Care service to help older people and other vulnerable adults to live independent lives in the comfort and safety of their own homes. 

We keep you in control and provide you with the home care services and support you want, where and when you want it. It's your life and your care, so it must be your way. We put our customers first

Please contact us if you would like information on bespoke care packages or if you would like to join our team, please visit our careers website.