Supporting the local community – Flitwick Carnival

Published: 05/03/2018

Bluebird Care are pleased to announce that we will be attending the Flitwick Carnival again this year on Saturday 9th June at the Millennium Park in Flitwick. Flitwick Carnival is one of the town’s most anticipated annual events that is great for all businesses and locals to be involved in.

Bluebird Care are pleased to announce that we will be attending the Flitwick Carnival again this year on Saturday 9th June at the Millennium Park in Flitwick. Flitwick Carnival is one of the town’s most anticipated annual events that is great for all businesses and locals to be involved in.

There are some spectacular stalls ranging in food to crafts and gifts, entertainment and the tremendous parade that local organisations, groups and businesses participate in. This year will see the return of the amazing Galloping Acrobatics, a troop of acrobats that combine gymnastics with equestrian skills – a must see!

Bluebird Care will have a banner on display this year at the carnival and we look forward to attending and seeing some of you there! Don’t forget that the theme this year is BOOKS 😊

Find out more on the Flitwick Carnival Facebook page