Understanding How to Fund Your Loved One’s Care Support

Deciding to look into home care services is a huge step – one that may very well be the perfect next step for you and your loved ones.


Deciding to look into home care services is a huge step – one that may very well be the perfect next step for you and your loved ones.

Still, it can be overwhelming to research different care providers and how to secure funding to support their needs. In this blog, we dive into all the key essentials you need to know about how to fund the home care support for a loved one.

For personalised advice, contact our team at Bluebird Care today.


The Stress of Finding High-Quality Care Services

Navigating the search for a home care provider for your loved one can be a daunting task, with many challenges. The key concern is finding a provider you can trust to deliver compassionate and reliable care that meets your loved one's needs. This search is weighed down by worries about affordability, as the cost of care can add additional stress to an already emotional situation.

Balancing quality and affordability is no easy feat, and many families find themselves struggling with this dilemma. It's understandable to want the best care possible for your loved one without breaking the bank. However, rest assured that with careful research and consideration, you can find a home care provider that offers both high-quality care and reasonable pricing.

Don't hesitate to explore different options, ask questions, and seek recommendations from trusted sources. By taking the time to find the right provider, you can ensure your loved one receives the support they need without compromising on quality or cost.


NHS Funding

For those exploring professional home care options for a loved one, it's crucial to be aware that the NHS (National Health Service) may provide funding for long-term care services, depending on your loved one's circumstances. This funding, known as NHS Continuing Healthcare, is available to individuals with complex medical needs who require ongoing care and support.

To determine eligibility for NHS Continuing Healthcare, an assessment will be conducted by healthcare professionals to evaluate your loved one's care needs. If they meet the criteria, the NHS will cover the costs of their care, including professional home care services.

Navigating the process of applying for NHS funding can feel overwhelming, but rest assured that support and guidance are available. Local authorities and healthcare professionals can provide information and assistance throughout the assessment and application process.

By exploring all available options, including NHS funding, you can ensure that your loved one receives the necessary care and support to enhance their quality of life while remaining in the comfort of their own home.


Local Authority Funding

When considering professional home care options for a loved one, it's essential to explore the potential support available through local authority funding. Local authorities may offer financial assistance to individuals who require home care services but have limited financial means.

To access local authority funding, your loved one will need to undergo a care needs assessment. This assessment will determine the level of care required and assess their eligibility for financial support. If eligible, the local authority may contribute towards the cost of home care services, making them more affordable and accessible.

Applying for local authority funding can be complex, but support is available. Care workers and advisors can provide guidance and assistance throughout the application process, ensuring that your loved one receives the support they need to remain independent and comfortable in their own home.



When considering professional home care options for your loved one, self-funding can be a viable solution, offering flexibility and control over the care they receive. While the prospect of self-funding may seem daunting, there are local providers who offer high-quality services at affordable rates.

By self-funding, your loved one can tailor their care plan to meet their specific needs and preferences, ensuring personalised support and companionship. Additionally, local providers often offer competitive pricing without compromising on the quality of care provided.

When exploring self-funding options, it's essential to research local providers, read reviews, and ask for recommendations from trusted sources. Many providers offer free consultations to discuss care options and pricing, allowing you to make an informed decision.

Remember, self-funding puts you in control, allowing you to choose the level of care that best suits your loved one's needs and budget. With careful consideration and research, you can find a local provider who offers affordable, high-quality home care services, providing peace of mind and support for your loved one's well-being.


Recurring Payment Options

Every home care company may manage payment differently, but one common method is to send an invoice every two weeks for services. You will often have the choice of digital (email) invoices or to receive them in the post, then will typically have one week to make the payment. At Bluebird Care, we strive to make payments as flexible and manageable as possible, so we offer a range of options for customers using our services. You can choose from:

  • Set up a standing order for automatic payment
  • Set up a direct debit
  • Transfer payments electronically
  • Send a cheque
  • Pay in part or in full using a ‘personal budget’ (a form of funding that contributes to the cost of your care) if you are eligible


Contact Bluebird Care Bournemouth and Poole for Personalised Advice

While securing funding and managing payments may be stressful, the benefits of home care can work wonders in the lives of those you love. Never underestimate the power of giving someone continued autonomy and independence by equipping them to have a safe and fulfilling life at home. To discuss your options and receive personalised funding advice from your local care experts, contact Bluebird Care today.