Improving lives for people with Dementia
Bluebird Care Bournemouth and Poole staff tried out the proven method of giving a person with a healthy brain the experience of what Dementia is like
Bluebird Care Bournemouth and Poole staff tried out the proven method of giving a person with a healthy brain the experience of what Dementia is like
We had the Virtual Dementia Tour at Bluebird Care Bournemouth and Poole and tried out the only scientifically and medically proven method of giving a person with a healthy brain the experience of what Dementia is like.
During this experience, our team members wore sunglasses, noise distorting headphones, spiked soles and thick gloves to help them understand what it is like to live with dementia. By learning more about how our customers with dementia feel, we can better tailor the care we provide.
This allows us to understand the simple changes that can be made to the environment to improve the lives of people with dementia.
Here are the urgent measures to implement:
1.Use pictures instead of words. The reading ability decreases.
2. Place exit signs in every room. They may forget how to get out from the kitchen, bathroom, etc.
3. Remove ticking clocks and use digital clocks instead. Noises become louder with dementia.
4. Let them keep their possessions. Do not take objects away from them, they have had too many losses already.
5. Never stand behind a person with dementia, it is very intimidating. Instead, touch their arm gently and talk to them face to face. They can only see straight ahead and not peripherally.
6. Paint a red mark on objects that are often forgotten or lost. Red is the first colour we learn and the last one we forget.
7. Use red plates or cook red food (strawberries, jam, sauce), it will encourage them to eat more.
8. Buy memory foam shoes or thick soles, it will improve their posture.