Bluebird Care Petersfield provides training as a charitable contribution

Published: 22/05/2019

At next week’s Carer Hub at the Petersfield Methodist Church, Bluebird Care Petersfield’s National Care Coordinator, Maria Fragkeski, and Care Supervisor, Ellis Lyons, will be providing free training on moving and handling.

At next week’s Carer Hub at the Petersfield Methodist Church, Bluebird Care Petersfield’s National Care Coordinator, Maria Fragkeski, and Care Supervisor, Ellis Lyons, will be providing free training on moving and handling. Both Maria and Ellis have Train the Trainer qualifications in moving and handling. Rest assured they will not do anything that puts the audience at risk but will give advice on good moving and handling techniques and answer any questions people may have. All are welcome to attend.

Business Manager of Bluebird Care Petersfield, Robert Fielder, commented:
This will be an excellent training demonstration on correct safe procedures to use when supporting people with their everyday moving and handling needs”
Leigh McDonald, National Live In Care Service, added:
This is another example on how Bluebird Care Petersfield supports the local community with great initiatives. The monthly carer’s hub is gaining momentum with more people coming each month gaining valuable support and guidance on how to care for their loved ones”
The Carers Hub is open between 1-4pm with the training/information session starting at 11.30 am.
Methodist Church
Station Road 
GU34 2HF