Bluebird Care Petersfield supports Nutrition & Hydration Week 2016

Published: 22/05/2019

Bluebird Care Petersfield are pledging their support of the 5th annual Nutrition & Hydration Week campaign.

Bluebird Care Petersfield are pledging their support of the 5th annual Nutrition & Hydration Week campaign.

With around 3 million people at risk of malnutrition in the UK, Bluebird Care Petersfield believe raising awareness of the risks associated with poor nutrition and hydration and promoting good practice can help to reduce the number of people at risk.

Some of the key signs of malnutrition include weak muscles, feeling tired all the time and a low mood. The NHS suggest eating a healthy, balanced diet including plenty of fruit and vegetables, plenty of bread, rice and other starchy foods, some milk and dairy foods and some meat, fish and other non-dairy sources of protein.

Robert Fielder, Business Manager commented:
We will be at the Liphook Artisan Food and Craft Village Market on March 12th 2016, The Millennium Centre GU30 7LD and will be able to answer any questions people have to raise awareness of nutrition and hydration as an important part of staying healthy.
Nutrition and dehydration are very important factors in our industry. As a care provider we are often the ones supporting people to be more aware of what they are eating and drinking and good nutrition should be encouraged from a young age.”
In support of the week we will be campaigning ‘THINK DRINK’ and educating staff and customers to the importance of staying hydrated. We will be running this mini campaign from 14th- 18th March and will be providing information and training for staff, and community based visits to our customers spreading awareness about the importance of staying hydrated.

To find out more about how we support our customers contact our friendly team on 01730 262578.