Bluebird Care Petersfield to welcome Terry Eccott

Published: 22/05/2019

We are delighted to be welcoming Terry Eccott, an ambassador for the Alzheimer's Society, to our Petersfield office on 8th February.

We are delighted to be welcoming Terry Eccott, an ambassador for the Alzheimer's Society, to our Petersfield office on 8th February.

Terry Eccott is an ambassador for the Alzheimer's Society, and was diagnosed with vascular dementia after suffering from a stroke. Having met Terry at a recent dementia session where he gave a very passionate talk on how he lives with the condition the challenges he faces, we are very excited to have him visit the office and present to our staff.

Terry will be at the Bluebird Care Petersfield office on the 8th February, and will begin his talk at 2pm. If you are interested in coming please let our Business Manager, Robert Fielder know by emailing him at

For more information, please call our friendly team on 01730 262578.