Rob and Leigh are more than halfway through their Decembeard challenge!

Published: 22/05/2019

Rob and Leigh are now on day 16 of their Decembeard challenge, and have already raised a staggering £445 between them!

Rob and Leigh are now on day 16 of their Decembeard challenge, and have already raised a staggering £445 between them!

Rob and Leigh, (pictured below) are now halfway through their challenge and not far away from their goal of reaching £500 in donations. Remember Leigh has agreed that the person behind his highest donation will have first opportunity to shave his beard!!

Rob commented:
“We are so pleased with the support people have shown with their donations and we are now so close to our targets, obviously if we can exceed these it will be great for the bowel cancer charity we are supporting”
Please visit Rob’s justgiving page, or Leigh’s justgiving page to support them in their ‘Decembeard’ challenge!

Well done both!