The Dementia Information Session was a great success!

Published: 22/05/2019

The recent dementia awareness information session we attended was a great success!

The recent dementia awareness information session we attended was a great success!

Damian Hinds, MP for East Hampshire hosted a relaxed and interactive Information Session aimed at boosting understanding of dementia, as well as the practical things that can be done to make a difference to people affected by it.

Bluebird Care Petersfield were fortunate enough to attend the information session and to also have a stall at the  event, where upon if required we could answer questions about our bespoke dementia care services. 

We were also extremely grateful to meet Terry Eccott, who is an ambassador for the Alzheimer’s Society and lives with dementia himself. Terry gave a very passionate talk on how he lives with the condition the challenges he faces and how he overcomes the obstacles. Terry has agreed to speak to our team in the New Year about Dementia which we will really look forward to

Terry Eccott does great work for the Alzheimer’s Society, to find out more about Terry and his work, please click here. We can’t wait to welcome Terry to our offices next year!