Bluebird Care Petersfield to attend Dementia Session hosted by MP Damian Hinds

Published: 22/05/2019

Bluebird Care Petersfield are attending a Dementia Information Session being hosted by Damian Hinds, MP for East Hampshire on 11 December.

Bluebird Care Petersfield are attending a Dementia Information Session being hosted by Damian Hinds, MP for East Hampshire on 11 December.

Damian Hinds, MP for East Hampshire is hosting a relaxed and interactive Information Session aimed at boosting understanding of dementia, as well as the practical things that can be done to make a difference to people affected by it.
After Mr Hind’s mother was diagnosed with dementia, he realised that he did not know as much as he originally thought he did about the disease. Mr Hinds joined Dementia Friends about two years ago, and was recently made a charity ‘champion,’ and is able to host meetings aimed at informing people about the condition.

The next meeting is on 11 December in Petersfield, and there will be information about dementia, and how to help improve the lives of those with the condition. The meeting also aims to help raise awareness and knowledge of the condition.
Bluebird Care Petersfield will be attending the information session and will also have a stall at the event, so please stop by and say hello and we will be more than happy to answer any questions about our bespoke dementia care services.

Anyone wishing to attend the meeting on December 11, in Petersfield Community Centre, should visit the website to register.

Event Details
December 11, 6pm-7pm

Petersfield Community Centre, Love Lane
GU31 4BW