Frequently asked questions

What happens when the office is closed?

Our offices are normally open from 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Aside from this, we operate an out-of-hours emergency service which is manned from 7am to 10pm. The number for your out of hours service can be provided for your reassurance, with someone at the end of the telephone line to assist with any emergencies about your care. 

What if I don't like my care package or want to make changes?

Our experience tells us that people's care needs very often change. We therefore understand that care may need reviewing from time to time. This is why we carry out reviews on a regular basis and why we are pleased to hear from members of the immediate family about effective methods for delivering the care service for their relative. 

What is Parkinson's disease?

Parkinson’s is one of the most common nervous system disorders of the world. One in every 500 people suffer from Parkinson’s disease in the UK. Onset is more common in people over 50 years of age, but it can also occur in younger adults if it is in the family.

Click here to learn more. 

What tasks will my care assistant carry out?

We agree a ‘Care Plan’ which details exactly what you have instructed us to do. This then becomes the work list for each day. Click here for details of the care services we can provide. As part of our ongoing and unique relationship with pharmacies, we are also able to assist or administer your medication.

Care plans frequently evolve and we check regularly to ensure that the care we are providing is appropriate. 

What safeguards do I have?

Bluebird Care is registered with the local registration body in each country in which we operate. These bodies set the minimum standards by which we operate, however in every case we seek to exceed these minimum standards by a significant margin. We are also full members of the United Kingdom Home Care Association(UKHCA). Both of these bodies have standards which set out how we should operate. We also carry Public Liability insurance (£10million).

Will I have the same care assistant each day?

We try to ensure that you have a minimal rotation of care assistants however this depends on how many care visits you have each week. We very rarely have just one care assistant assigned to a particular customer. This allows for periods of time where your care assistant may be away on holiday.

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