Our Latest CQC Report

Published: 19/09/2014

Here at Bluebird Care we appreciate that the quality of our service starts and ends with the quality of our staff

This is why we carry out the most comprehensive training in the industry and work hard to support our staff, ensuring they have the tools they need to provide the highest quality of care in people’s homes.  Regular quality assurance, such as supervisions and customer feedback, helps us to make sure that the system is working as planned.

After trading for 11 months, we have just received our first year inspection from the CQC, and we are pleased to announce that their findings were just as we had hoped.  Indeed, at Bluebird Care we aim to have standards higher than those set by the regulator, so anything less than this would have been unacceptable.

We were encouraged that the CQC inspectors received entirely positive customer feedback including:


"More than happy”


"Couldn’t wish for a better service”


"I know they will go there and if there are any concerns, they will contact”


"Staff are very kind and caring”


"I am more than happy”


For the full CQC Inspection Report, please follow the link below:


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