Thanking Our Customer For These Beautiful Slippers!

Our customer kindly chose to donate these beautiful hand-knitted slippers to her Care Assistants!


Our customer kindly chose to donate these beautiful hand-knitted slippers to her Care Assistants!

Knitting is something that many of our customers enjoy and because they have had many years of practice, are also extremely good at it.

We would like to thank our customer for such a kind and thoughtful gesture.

Every year, one of our customers knits a selection of beautiful slippers for her local Christmas bizarre, however as it was cancelled this year she chose to donate the four pairs to her Care Assistant.

The slippers were extremely gratefully received and will certainly help keep toes warm as the winter months draw in!

We have some incredibly talented customers and knitting is certainly a popular hobby! I would like to thank our customer for thinking of donating them to her Care Assistant - I know they were very well received!

Jess, Registered Care Manager