
Showing results 1 - 9 (of 103)

Bringing Luck to Rye Bay Under Nines!

Recently, we had the pleasure of sponsoring the Rye Bay Under Nines football team, and it seems like our involvement is already bringing a bit of extra luck!


Fundraising To Support Registered Manager Jess' Voluntary Work In The Gambia

We’re thrilled to announce that our dedicated Registered Manager, Jess, will be embarking on a meaningful journey to West Africa on November 22nd.


Visiting Sherwood House In Hastings

Last week, Maria from the office and Care Assistant Kathryn accepted an invitation to visit Sherwood House in Hastings.


Festive Hampers For Our Customers

We’ve been getting very Christmassy this week and our staff have been dropping off some very special festive hampers to our customers in the community.


Sponsoring Rye Bay Football Club

We’re proud to be involved in our local community and, for another consecutive year, sponsor Rye Bay’s the under nine’s away kit.


Macmillan Coffee Morning

We recently hosted a heartwarming event in collaboration with Macmillan Cancer Support, bringing together our staff, clients, and the wider community in an afternoon of connection and compassion.


Fish 'n' Chip FriYay

We recently arranged a fish and chip Friday for our customers living in the Rye area and it went down a storm!


Customer Marjorie’s Claim To Fame

Customer Marjorie has an extremely interesting claim to fame and we're excited to tell you about it.


An Outing To Alexandra Park, Hastings

We recently arranged a trip out to Alexandra Park for our customers and care assistants and had a fantastic time despite some changeable weather.


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