CQC Inspection

Published: 20/08/2013

On 14th August we had an Annual Inspection from the CQC.

The inspector was with us for one whole day looking at customer and care worker files.  Afterwards she spoke to some of our customers and care workers.

The Inspection Report makes good reading and it’s very rewarding to be told by the Regulator that we are providing a first class service !  (even though we knew that already).

One of their paragraphs reads as follows:

People told us that staff were polite and respectful when providing care for them. For example, one person said “The girls are delightful”. Another person told us “they are very professional and efficient. All of the people spoken with told us they generally had named staff who visited regularly and knew their needs. This meant that people received continuity of care and did not have to receive care from lots of different staff who were unfamiliar with their needs."

The praise we received is entirely thanks to our wonderful team of care workers and the office staff who keep everything running as smoothly as possible.

We are very pleased (if not particularly surprised) to have received such a glowing report and will continue to strive to provide the highest quality of care for our many customers.