Our Contact the Elderly event was a great success!

Published: 20/10/2015

We were delighted to host the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Contact the Elderly on the 18th of October. The afternoon was a great success, with over 50 people in attendance!

We were delighted to host the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Contact the Elderly on the 18th of October. The afternoon was a great success, with over 50 people in attendance!

Contact the Elderly is the only national charity solely dedicated to tackling loneliness and social isolation among older people.

The charity is supported by a network of volunteers, and organises monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties for small groups of older people, who are aged 75 and over, who live alone. These gatherings offer a regular and vital friendship link every month.

The afternoon was full of entertainment, including singers, jazz players and a magician providing some entertainment on the day. There was also lots of tea, coffee, sandwiches and cake. Overall the event went down very well!

Commenting, Director of Bluebird Care Camden and Hampstead, George Morris said:
“We were honoured to be able to host the 50th anniversary celebrations for Contact The Elderly. Knowing the great work they do in the community, we were eager to help where we could. These friendship groups are crucial as social isolation in older people is such an important and relevant issue to us as a business, having witnessed the effects it has on people first-hand with our customers."
We would like to thank everyone who came along to the celebrations, and to all involved in organisation of the afternoon.

To find out more about Contact the Elderly, or to see how you could help their cause, visit their website here.