Bluebird Care supports Dementia Words Campaign

Published: 22/04/2015

Bluebird Care York has shown its support to a campaign that addresses the language that is used to describe people living with dementia.

Bluebird Care York has shown its support to a campaign that addresses the language that is used to describe people living with dementia.

The language we use to talk about dementia influences how people with dementia are viewed, according to the Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) and The Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project (DEEP).

Dementia Words Matter is a DEEP Guide written by people with dementia, which sets out the words and descriptions of dementia that they would prefer be avoided.

According to the Guide, words such as ‘demented’, ‘sufferer’, ‘senile’ and ‘living death’ are words that are often negatively attached to the person rather than the condition.

Alternative words about people with dementia include: ‘person/people with dementia’, ‘person/people living with dementia’ and ‘person/people living well with dementia’.

That’s why at Bluebird Care York we’re supporting the Dementia Words campaign to improve the language that is used to describe people with dementia.

We have signed up to the ‘Dementia Words Matter Call to Action’ and pledged to change any words and descriptions that people with dementia have identified as ones to avoid.